Сура Аль-Маун аудио

by MyStar

Music & Audio


Al-Ma’un (Arabic: الماعون - Alms) is the one hundred and seventh sura of the Quran. Meccan Sura. Consists of 7 verses.The surah speaks of someone who denies retribution in a future life and some of his qualities are given: he insults an orphan, treats him rudely, without raising him, and out of cruelty, does not encourage anyone to feed the poor in word or deed, because he is stingy and does not consume from what it has. Then the surah speaks of another category of people who are similar to those who deny retribution. These are people who neglect prescribed prayers and do them improperly.Source of translation and meaning of this surah: islam.globalaudio source: www.mp3quran.net